Love Your Story
Awhile back I sat down to have coffee with my friend Kaye Putnam, Brand Strategist and overall cool human being. We met years prior at a RUSHwahine event and became instant friends.
What I thought was just a casual friends-meeting-for-coffee turned out to have a huge impact on my business practices from that moment on. This girl knows her stuff!
Check out her In Demand Brand Podcast (which I listen to religiously FYI) and take advantage of the amazing freebies on her site, Brandality Quiz and Brand Workbook and you will see for yourself how awesome she is.
While chatting, she asked me a poignant question which got me blabbering on and on about how much I love what I do, how much I love my clients, how much I love digging into their story, how much I love the art of filming, and editing and even the dreaded packaging of the end product, which is typically a custom usb, prints, and some other goodies. I love the entire process!!
As she asking different questions, she stopped me in my tracks and said "Ive got it, the common thread to your entire business revolves around LOVE". I was like, huh?
She further explained that everything I had just blabbered about to her in the last hour had a common thread... LOVE!
my wedding clients are in LOVE
my family clients LOVE being together and value capturing those special moments
my business clients LOVE their craft so much they started a business to share their passion with the world
The conversation with Kaye that morning has never left my mind in all these years. "Love Your Story" has become a tagline and a phrase I use often when referring to our films and photography and an overarching theme in all that we do.
From that moment on, everything I do in my business, whatever its marketing or product packaging or even sending an email, I think back to what she told me and that the common thread is love.
And since all of our films story based (meaning we aren't just showing up and hitting record and throwing all of your footage on a timeline) EVERYTHING we do is centered around getting to know our clients, their love story, their connection with their children, their passion for their craft....and their WHY behind it all.
By digging deep and learning this information before we even show up to film, and LONG before we bring the footage into out editing bay, we get the heart of the story...
And its all about LOVE baby!
Last year I sent out cute little cards and some sweet treats to some of my more recent clients.
In almost every package I mail out, clients receive popcorn...get it, theres a film are watching your very own movie!